These courses are for Professional HE Services staff only.

PHES STAFF ONLY - This course gives staff some crucial information about cybersecurity. It has one module and a quiz and you need to achieve 100% to pass the course. This course is mandatory for all PHES staff and a refresher course will be run every 12 months.

The aim of this course is to show you how to calculate the taxable trading profits of your university. It will review what is exempt and then focus on calculating non-primary purpose (NPP) trading profit or loss.

This course has been developed for new finance business partners or current finance business partners who would like a reminder on the foundations of business partnering

The aim of this course is to show you how to calculate the taxable trading profits of your university. It will review what is exempt and then focus on calculating non-primary purpose (NPP) trading profit or loss.

FREE TO ALL MEMBERS - The BUFDG Counter-Fraud Working Group have produced a free, introductory Fraud-Awareness e-learning module, for use in Universities. The module takes about 30 minutes to complete. It covers topics such as; what is fraud, what is bribery, who might commit fraud and what can universities do about it.

PHES STAFF ONLY - This course gives staff some crucial information about GDPR and information security. It has one module and a quiz and you need to achieve 100% to pass the course. This course is mandatory for all PHES staff and a refresher course will be run every 12 months.